Beautiful Babies

Beautiful Babies
Easter Sunday 2010

Friday, May 30, 2008

Home at Last!

I apologize for no update yesterday, but since we were able to take Taylor home from the hospital it turned out to be an incredibly busy day (and no time for blogging). I spent late morning and afternoon at the hospital speaking with the physicians, practitioners, and nurses and getting all of the needed instructions to take Taylor home. Taylor passed her car seat test with no problems. She was not very happy to be out of her warm bed and in a car seat for 90 minutes, but soon she settled down and fell asleep with no drop in her oxygen level or heart rate. She said goodbye to all her friends in the NICU and had a photo shoot with her friend Reagan before leaving. (pictures will be posted soon) Reagan, we know you will be the next one coming home, so keep gaining weight!! ;-)

It was quite an experience to finally get to bring Taylor home after 3 weeks and 2 days of her being in the hospital. We made it through our first night of not a lot of sleep. Since the Dr. is still concerned about her weight, she has to eat at least every 3 hours, her milk gets supplemented with extra calories, she is taking a liquid vitamin with iron, and she is still on Prevacid for reflux. We took her to her first Dr. appointment this morning and they are pleased with her progress and stability. She weighed 5 lbs. when she left the hospital and she weighed 5 lbs. and 2 oz. per the Dr.'s scales this morning. The hard part is that we have strict instructions from the Dr. that we are not to let others besides family touch and hold her due to her high risk for infection. Please keep Taylor in your prayers that she does not get any infections now that she is home and the she continues to do well.

To all our friends and family, thanks for your continued support and prayers during this time!! We will keep you updated on her progress.
Dana, David, and Taylor


Lasha said...

YAY!!! Taylor's home!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! We will be praying she keeps gaining and stays healthy now that she is home!!! Love you all!!

Dixie said...

Good deal!!
So glad she is home and we will be continuing to pray for you all.

Valerie said...

So glad to hear she is at home & doing well!

Deb said...

WAY TO GO Taylor!!!!!! How exciting for you to be home and I know Mommy and Daddy are so happy as are the rest of the family. Thank God for all your progress. Keep on growing and stay health.
Love, GAD

Only Servants Ministries said...

Praise the Lord! We are still praying for you guys! Great is thy faithfulness!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to here that Taylor is finally at home. She is Beautiful. May god Bless u all.

The Knipps said...

YAY!!! She is beautiful and so cute!! Her petite features are just adorable!

We will continue to keep her in our prayers. I know God will keep her safe and healthy so she can grow and soon be one of the crazy Heath Church kids running around! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on bringing Taylor home! I am so glad to hear of her continued improvement. Thank the Lord! I can not wait to see some of the pics from the photo shoot the first of many with Miss Winslow I am sure. Take care of yourselves and I know you will take care of that beautiful baby girl. Love you guys and you are in my prayers! Love, Rachelle

Tanjala said...

So happy to hear that you were able to take Taylor home and that she is doing so well!! I am Tim and Becky's sister-in-law (married to Becky's brother). I just happened to come across your blog. I'm glad I did tho. Take care.

Angie said...

So glad to hear Taylor got to come home, and is doing well! God has been so good!! I know you will and are making a great mommy for little Taylor.